Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Which Of These Things Is Part Of The Cyber Domain

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Advancing Cyber Stability: Developments And Challenges

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The discussion Advancing Cyber Stability: Developments and Challenges will address questions on how to accelerate the implementation of norms and raise awareness on the principles of international law central to responsible State behavior in cyberspace. What are the key requirements in achieving cyber resilience and how to fill the gaps in cyber capacity-building efforts? How could the proposed PoA assist in achieving more stability and resilience globally?

Themes & Topics


Brussels, Belgium

Domains Of Warfare: An Undefined Doctrinal Foundation

Domains of warfare sit at the core of U.S. and NATO military doctrine, defining the purpose for major military services of Western powers and shaping the lenses through which soldiers, airmen, sailors, marines, and guardians understand the operating environment. But a lack of precise language clouds critical discussions of space and cyber, and even why we need to maintain some of the arrangement of the United States current services. In recent years, other concepts have been proposed as domains, to include the electromagnetic spectrum and human domains.

How did we get to this point? Domains entered the lexicon with the 2000 publication of Joint Vision 2020, with information proposed as a new domain as important as those conducted in the domains of sea, land, air, and space. Before this point what we now know as domains were called dimensions, and domain of warfare itself was left undefined. As with most military terms, the word has clear non-military definitions that are instructive. In law it is omplete and absolute ownership of landor a territory over which dominion is exercised. A common alternative definition is a sphere of knowledge, influence, or activity, as in a domain of knowledge. In math it is a set of numbers that define a function. In computing, it is a realm of administrative autonomyfrom a website to a top-level domain .

  • Space Domain: The area above the altitude where atmospheric effects on airborne objects become negligible.

  • Cyber Peace: Cooperating For The Stability And Security Of The Cyber Domain

    In an era of technological interdependence, international cooperation is taking new and multifaceted forms to ensure sustainable transnational governance of the cyber domain. Cyber Diplomacy is emerging as a new diplomatic practice, involving non-traditional sets of actors called to negotiate international agreements, but also technical protocols and forms of governance accountability.

    The event, organised as part of the Global PeaceTech Conference 2022, addresses the challenges and opportunities of Cyber Diplomacy as a new diplomatic practice and explores the challenges and opportunities of this shift for the peace and stability of the transnational digital domain.

    Themes & Topics

    Geneva, Switzerland

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    The Problem With Cyberspace

    The original three domains of land, maritime, and air developed separate identities and independent services because unique characteristics dictated distinct requirements for humans to fight in those domains, unique equipment, organizations, and perspectives of the operating environment yielding unique systems of warfare. The land domain is directly tied to the existence of the statepreservation of sovereignty through direct physical control of territorydictating large manpower-centric forces to compel the states will through firepower and maneuver. War at sea secures the states vital interests, but requires ships for humans to operate, different operational concepts for naval warfare, and a different concept of control from land. The air domain added the vertical dimension of warfare, range, speed, and put advanced technology at the forefront to facilitate aerial combat and support ground operations. Space is moving closer to parity with the first three as the unique physical environment of space distinct from the airdefined by orbital mechanics, the physical limitations of space lift, and an environment hostile to human lifeand has led to the realization of an independent U.S. Space Force to organize, train, and equip forces that had previously been neglected by other services focused on other domains.

    What Are The 4 Parts Of Cyber Domain

    the digital world

    1. Introduction

    A domain is an area of knowledge, influence, or ownership. The word “domain” can refer to a physical territory, like a country, or it can refer to an abstract concept, like knowledge.An introduction is a beginning, a start. It can be the beginning of a book, an essay, a speech, or a research project. The introduction sets the stage for what is to come and gives the reader an idea of what to expect.

    2. The four parts of the cyber domain

    Domains are the four parts of the cyber domain. They are the physical, virtual, human, and informational domains. The physical domain is the hardware and software that make up the cyber system. The virtual domain is the data and information that are stored on the system. The human domain is the people who use the system. The informational domain is the knowledge and intelligence that are used to operate the system.

    3. The importance of each part

    Domains are the different parts of a protein that have different functions. Each domain has a specific function, and the protein as a whole needs all of its domains to function properly.

    4. How each part contributes to the cyber domain

    5. Conclusion

    A domain is an area of knowledge, influence, or ownership. The word “domain” can refer to a physical territory, like a country, or it can refer to an abstract concept, like knowledge.The conclusion is the end of an argument, presentation, or piece of writing. It is the last chance to make an impression on the reader.

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    The Trend: How We Train Cybersecurity Professionals To Keep Up

    This three-part division makes quite a bit of sense, and is a natural part of how cybersecurity continues to morph and change as it works its way through all divisions of an organization. CompTIAs certification offerings have reflected this growing trend for some time.

    For example, the CompTIA Security+ exam very strongly reflects this new three-part cybersecurity trifecta, as you might expect. If you for this new exam, youll see that theres an entirely new domain called Governance, Risk and Compliance .

    Figure 2: The CompTIA Security+ 601 exam domains, including the new one on Governance, Risk and Compliance

    Even though the CompTIA Security+ 601 exam has streamlined several topics found throughout the 501 exam, this entirely new domain. Its good to see that it reflects the growing interest in governance and privacy. Yes, privacy.

    Operations Security & Physical And Environmental Security

    In this module we are going to cover what amount to some of the more intuitive parts of cybersecurity: operations security and physical and environmental security. Learners will understand operations security from a competitor/enemy/hackerââ¬â¢s viewpoint and then develop and apply countermeasures accordingly. Learners will also be exposed to electric power issues such as brownouts, fire detection and suppression, and HVAC.

    5 hours to complete

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    University System Of Georgia

    The University System of Georgia is composed of 28 higher education institutions including 4 research universities, 2 regional universities, 12 state universities, 13 state colleges and the Skidaway Institute of Oceanography. The Georgia Public Library System, encompassing 61 library systems throughout Georgia, is also part of the University System.

    List Of Common Cyber Security Domains

    IoT Architecture | Internet Of Things Architecture For Beginners | IoT Tutorial | Simplilearn

    Here, we will discuss various domains of cybersecurity in detail. Cybersecurity domains are also called cyber security categories, focus areas, and tiers.

    Since the number of cyber security domains and their subdomains is big, it is not possible to cover each one of them in detail here. Hence, in this blog, we will cover only the most popular 1+10 domains of cyber security. So, here we go:

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    Summit On Digital Diplomacy And Governance

    The Summit on Digital Diplomacy and Governance, organised by DiploFoundation in cooperation with Maltas Ministry for Foreign and European Affairs and Trade and the Swiss Federal Department of Foreign Affairs, will look ahead at the future of diplomacy by reflecting on the past decades, marked by the use of technology in and for diplomacy.

    Diplomats, academics, technologists, and NGO representatives will discuss digital diplomacy and governance, AI, e-commerce, cybersecurity, and other issues that shape our digital future, as well as policy processes including ongoing negotiations on the proposed Global Digital Compact.

    Strategic foresight will be combined with practical insights on how to navigate the fast-changing digital geopolitics, how to negotiate new digital topics on the diplomatic agenda, and how to use new tools in diplomacy from social media, data, to AI and the metaverse.

    Themes & Topics

    Tegucigalpa, Honduras

    Monitor Your Entire Application With Atatus

    Atatus provides a set of performance measurement tools to monitor and improve the performance of your frontend, backends, logs and infrastructure applications in real-time. Our platform can capture millions of performance data points from your applications, allowing you to quickly resolve issues and ensure digital customer experiences.

    Atatus can be beneficial to your business, which provides a comprehensive view of your application, including how it works, where performance bottlenecks exist, which users are most impacted, and which errors break your code for your frontend, backend, and infrastructure.

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    Business Continuity And Disaster Recovery Planning And Cryptography

    In this module we are going to delve a little deeper into cyber security by covering business continuity and disaster recovery planning and cryptography. Learners will be exposed to what a disruptive event is and how the federal government through agencies such as FEMA handles disasters. We will also covers encryption and decryption and the various techniques used.

    4 hours to complete

    What Is Cyber Security

    Internet of Things: Fundemental parts of project

    Cyber Security refers to a set of methods, technologies, and procedures for defending computer systems, networks, and data from cyber-attacks or unauthorised access. The primary goal of cyber security is to secure all organisational assets from external and internal threats, as well as disruptions caused by natural disasters.

    A good security posture against malicious attacks intended at obtaining access to, changing, deleting, destroying, or extorting important data from an organization’s or user’s systems can be achieved with a strong cyber security plan. Cyber security is also important in preventing attacks that try to disable or impair the operation of a system or device.

    Simply put, cyber security refers to the safeguarding of internet-connected systems, including hardware, software, and data, from cyber threats. This method is used by individuals and corporations to prevent unauthorised access to data centres and other digital systems.

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    The Proof: Governance Proves That It And Cybersecurity Have Grown Up

    The trifecta of cybersecurity, then, reflects the fact that cybersecurity has grown up, in a lot of ways. I love the technical side of cybersecurity its fun to geek out and create intrusion detection services using Zeek and the ELK / Elastic Stack. I love discussing threat hunting, and how security analysts create data-driven hypotheses to profile and thwart attackers. Yet its also gratifying to see how cybersecurity is addressing the importance of risk management, and cybersecurity management in general. After all, you cant have proper cybersecurity without considering all elements of the cybersecurity trifecta.

    Validate your cybersecurity skills related to governance, risk and compliance by getting the new CompTIA Security+ . to start studying.

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    Recognize New Paradigms In Attack Vectors

    One of the most important things to remember about cyber security and the threat landscape is that is not static. Threat profiles change and evolve. As cybercriminal techniques are recognized, and enterprises apply new methodologies to thwart attempts at breaching resources, cybercriminal approaches evolve to enhance their effectiveness. It is part of the eternal game of cybersecurity to keep up to date with the changing threat landscape. We need to recognize subtle movements to new paradigms in attack vectors and keep our awareness of the top threats current. Being able to classify risk types is a vital tool in keeping ahead of the cybercriminal. It gives us the tools to have insight and a deeper understanding of where any evolutionary changes to the threat profile may occur.

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    Domain : Business Continuity

    This domain of cybersecurity focuses on restoring business operations after a catastrophic event, such as a natural disaster. This includes disaster recovery and business continuity plans and procedures. Of course, we should also make sure were periodically reviewing these plans as well as testing them.The business continuity domain revolves around understanding which functions of the organization are vital to the survival of that organization. Once weve identified these critical functions and associated systems, we should put in place procedures to ensure they are operable as soon as possible, with as little data loss as possible, in the event of catastrophic failures.

    Security Architecture And Design & Telecommunications And Network Security

    The Disturbing Part of the Internet [Vol. 7]

    In this module we are going to cover some of the most technical and comprehensive topics that cyber security has to offer as we look at Security Architecture and Design and Telecommunications and Network Security. Learners will be exposed to security models such as Bell LaPadula, Clark-Wilson, Mandatory Access Control , Discretionary Access Control , Role-Based Access Control , and Access Matrix. We will also describe the Open Systems Interconnect model and its seven layers.

    20 minutes to complete

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    Domain : Security Management

    The first domain Id like to discuss has more to do with people and processes than it does with computers. Security management is one of the most overlooked domains, which I think is a shame because almost nothing we do in the other domains means anything without it. Security management is made up of several tasks:

    • Risk assessments, which is the process we use to identify risks to the organization and systemically identify methods to combat those risks, usually relying on input from experts in the below domains
    • Overseeing the processes for other security functions to ensure those align with business/operations processes
    • Change management processes and procedures in place
    • User security awareness training

    Information Security Governance And Risk Management & Legal Regulations Investigations And Compliance

    In this module we are going to cover some of the non-technical topics associated to cyber security: Information security governance and risk management and legal, regulations, investigations, and compliance. It is important to realize, that non-technical does not mean easy, or not important. In fact, I would like to argue that they are more important that the technical side of cyber security.

    4 hours to complete

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    Internet Of Things And The Digitisation Of Industry / Industry 40

    One of the revolutions of modern times is the Internet enablement of devices. Gartner is predicting that by 2020 more than half of new business processes will utilise some form of the IoT. As this highly distributed network of interconnected devices grows and grows, it also opens up potential routes into networks and new ways of obtaining information maliciously.

    One of the current issues with the IoT is the rather slow uptake of security standards by many manufacturers. For example, the potential for critical infrastructures attacks based on Internet enabled Industrial Control System units is high without the right security measures in place. Denial of Service attacks on these ICS units could bring entire infrastructures in the energy industry to a standstill causing widespread chaos.

    One of the other concerns of the IoT is that it is improving productivity, and making communication of the supply chain more effective. It is also extending the fuzziness of the perimeter so that it no longer exists. This makes traditional methods of preventing cyber attacks less effective. The above mentioned critical infrastructures are at particular risk from supply chain attacks originating through insecure IoT devices.

    What Is Domain Intelligence

    Three letters that matter

    Domain intelligence is the process of monitoring and identifying trends and interesting events in domain name registrations and their ownership details using data feeds, APIs, lookup tools, and other consumption models. In cybersecurity, domain intelligence helps detect and take the necessary precautionary measures against domain-related threats, including typosquatting, phishing, business email compromise, and third-party vulnerabilities.

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    Domain : Security Operations

    The Security Operations domain is where we monitor all of the tools we discussed in the Security Engineering domain. Most SOC positions are going to operate in this domain, as the name implies, but they need to have a good understanding of most of the other domains to be able to perform their job functions well. Some of the duties include:

    I hope that helps clear up the different domains you may work with if you choose to enter cybersecurity. Bear in mind that in many organizations, cybersecurity professionals will work across multiple domains, but most will have one domain they focus on more than others.If we can help you in any way during this journey, please reach out via our Community Slack , or leave a comment below!

    Top 5 Cyber Security Risks For Companies

    One of the best ways to understand any given concept is to classify it. Classification is used across many disciplines, from biology to data science. Being able to group ideas, items, and areas, allows us to focus in on them and see connections across that class. In cyber security we can also classify areas, helping us to understand particular drivers, rules, reasons and outcomes for a given cyber threat.

    Cyber security can be broadly broken down into these areas:

    • Domain: Which allows us to identify the areas of vulnerability and where they are originating.
    • Methods of exploitation: Understanding the vectors, tools and mechanisms used to exploit those vulnerabilities
    • Outcomes: Which is the resulting impact of the cyber attack.

    Domain is the top class in this system, with methods of exploitation and outcomes being subclasses using this we can then begin to create an ontology of cybersecurity threats. In this article, we will look at the highest level class, domain and how each of the subclasses impacts the different domain types. Using this type of analysis can help you to choose the right approach to minimising the impact of each cyber threat.

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