Tuesday, September 3, 2024

Does A Landing Page Need A Domain

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Add Domain To Mailchimp For Landing Page Or Website

Generally, when someone is looking for information about landing pages, it is because they would like to get more leads and/or sales for their business.

Would you like more leads and sales in your business?

If so, you could take advantage of this free training.

  • The 4 Most Important Pages
  • Listbuilding is Key
  • Go Mobile or Go Home

If this training seems beneficial for your business, make sure you get started today.

Today, we have covered whether you need a website for a landing page. Now you know you do not need a website. I shared a simple solution to help you create landing pages and host them.

You can use the same software whether you decide to create landing pages, websites, or both.

Andyou can access free training to gain more leads and sales to your product or service.

Take advantage of the available resources and create great landing pages to drive leads and sales in your business.

Landing Page Vs Website: Which Do You Need And Why

Do you need a landing page or a website? How do you know? When it comes to a landing page vs website, your website is your entire online first impression, while your landing page is only one part of that impression. You need both to make your online first impression really shine. In some situations, a website may be more effective than a landing page, and vice-versa. In this blog post, well go through some of the most common situations to decide between a landing page vs website. Weve updated this post to provide landing page vs website best practices in 2021, and added details about microsites and apps as well.

How Do I Add A New Custom Domain In My Getresponse Account

To add a new custom domain :

  • Log into your GetResponse account and go to Menu> > Landing pages.
  • Find your landing page and from the Actions menu select Edit settings.
  • Find the Landing page URL settings section. This is where you configure DNS-related options.Note that you cant opt out of using a GetResponse domain for your landing page, even if you intend to use custom addresses.
  • In the Assign your own domain section, select Add a new domain.
  • Enter the domain name in the example.com field. For example, if your domain is example.com, type in example.com
  • Optionally, you can use one of your subdomains for your landing page. Enter your subdomain name in the subdomain field.
  • Click Add. You know the domain and subdomain have been added when they appear in the Select your domain field.
  • Optionally, enter a directory name.
  • Using directories is a quick and easy option when you want to publish more than one landing page at a time. See How can I use domains, subdomains, and directories for my landing pages? for specific examples.

    The process is now complete. You can go ahead and edit the Subscription settings, and then save or publish your landing page.

    Note: If you try to assign a new domain before you update your DNS settings, or before the changes have propagated the internet, we notify you when you click Add.

    Also Check: What Is The Io Domain Used For

    What Can You Do With A Landing Page

    Landing pages excel at all sorts of things. They might be known for sales and lead generation, but their flexibility is endless! They can be used to promote events, gather market research, host giveaways, and more.

    Capture leads

    This style of landing page can be a very smart way to secure potential customers. These pages intend to gather leads from potential customers by asking them to leave their contact information to be tracked and contacted for selling.

    If you look at the landing page for the portable credit card reader, Square Up, you can see that all the navigational links and other options are deliberately limited. This is common practice with landing pages because it focuses the user on a single call to action.

    What if you want a quick way to attract more email subscribers? Create a landing page focused on building up your email subscriptions. Hook people by adding something that will interest and benefit them a white paper, a free month of service, etc. or a coming soon page to create hype about a new product. Advertise your page everywhere, on paid and organic channels, your website, social media, and blog, etc.). Sit back and watch your list grow.

    Run a contest or promote an event

    If you run a contest or put on a one-off event like an open house, you need a page to excite and educate people and collect attendees and participants. Youd also want to encourage people to spread the word by including social media buttons.

    Go Viral

    Try out new ideas

    Drive sales

    Where Do I Start If I Need A Website

    Domain Broker 2

    Butwhat if you prefer to have a website? Now, if you decide that you prefer a complete website, guess what? You can now create websites with LeadPages and avoid the homepage vs landing page choice altogether. Just build everything within one interface!

    The company recently introduced their online website builder which allows you to quickly and easily build out a website without needing to be an expert in WordPress, coding, or hiring a team of website developers.

    You also dont need website hosting as you can host your website or sites on LeadPages. But if you prefer to host it somewhere else, you can do that too. Then you will just need to check out my article on the best website hosting providers.

    If you are interested in creating a hassle-free website in half the time, then make sure you start your free trial of LeadPages Site Builder today!

    We have discussed a simple solution for creating landing pages or websites. Next, we will discuss how to get free training for generating more leads and sales.

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    Landing Page Vs Homepage Vs Website

    If you turn to the internet for answers, you’ll inevitably run into comparisons and explanations that muddy the waters when it comes to landing pages, homepages, and websites. While its true that there are some similarities between those terms, there are also a number of differences between them. Lets explain what each does.

    Do Landing Pages Work

    Yes landing pages work. The main purpose of a landing page is to get a visitor to take one desired action. That action could be providing an email address in exchanges for a downloadable guide, selling an email, signing up for an event, or purchasing a product.

    You can measure your success rate by dividing the number of people who took your desired action by the number of visitors to the landing page

    Related: 10 Steps to Creating a Landing Page That Converts

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    Finding Great Templates And Examples

    To gain a better understanding of what the various types of landing pages look like, it is nice to have some examples to explore.

    Below are a couple of helpful resources

    • Landing page examples Lookbook 50+ examples to inspire youget this now!
    • Landing page templates Check out the templates for landing pages and websitesvisit this page now, where youll find many possibilities:

    The great thing about landing examples is they provide you with ideas that you may not have previously considered. You can study the various examples and learn from them.

    Landing page templates are great because you dont have to start from scratch. If you have a goal or purpose in mind for a landing page, you can choose a template that meets that goal or purpose.

    For example, if you need a sales page, then you can choose an existing sales page template inside your chosen sales page creator.

    Then you can use the template for your product and service. You still have the freedom to make the template more of your own with subtle changes such as pictures, text, colors, and logos.

    Add Your Domain To Unbounce

    How to point a domain name to a landing page on GoDaddy

    We’ll start by adding the domain to Unbounce. This will get the process started to create any required DNS records in later steps.

    If you already have a website living at your root domain , you’ll need to use a subdomain , because your Unbounce landing pages can’t live at exactly the same URL as your homepage.

  • Log in to the .
  • Select the Client under which you would like to add your custom domain from the drop-down menu on the top left-hand side of the screen.
  • Once in the correct Client, click the Domains link from the navigation bar on the left side of the screen:
  • Click the Add a Domain button. A new dialog box will appear:
  • In the new Add A Domain dialog box, enter your domain name .
  • Click the Create Domain button to confirm. A new dialog box will appear:Having trouble adding your domain? You may need some assistance from our support team. Refer to our FAQ article How Do I Recover A Deleted Domain? for more information.At this step, you may see the feature to connect your domain manually, especially if you’re working with a GoDaddy, Media Template, or 1& 1 domain. Learn more about that here: Adding Your Domain Automatically.
  • Click the Copy to Clipboard button to copy your unique CNAME record. Ensure to copy this as you will need it in step 3! Click the Got It button at the bottom right corner of the dialog box:
  • Your domain is now registered with Unbounce! Now, navigate to your hosting provider for the next steps on how to set up that CNAME record.

    Recommended Reading: How Much Should A Domain Name Cost Per Year

    A Simple Solution For Creating Landing Pages

    Creating a landing page can be quick and simple with the right software. LeadPages is a simple software solution that allows you to make awesome landing pages in just a few minutes.

    You can also host unlimited landing pages with this software. If you already have a WordPress website, you can use a simple plugin to add landing pages to your website.

    With a LeadPages Free Trial, you can actually test out this software for 14 days. You can try out the software and create a lot of landing pages in 14 days. You can get familiar with the features and functionality of the software to determine if this software is right for you.

    LeadPages is a great landing page software because you have over 100 landing page templates to choose from. With so many options, Im sure you will find templates to fit your business needs.

    But if for some reason you do not find a great template, you can use the simple drag-and-drop builder to create your perfect landing page.

    Conversion On Landing Page

    If the goal of your landing page is to drive people towards conversion on this particular page, such as submitting their information through a form or clicking on a high-value call-to-action button, then your number one job is tracking that engagement on the page itself. Remember that Google Analytics only measures page load by default.

    A common anecdote from training attendees and clients is that their landing pages have extremely high bounce rates. Well, if everything happens all on the landing page, then Google Analytics only knows that they loaded the page, not what else happens after the page loads. Of course youll have a high bounce rate if theyve only loaded one page.

    The key here is to set up Event Tracking for Google Analytics. If youre using a tool like Google Tag Manager , you can easily set up Google Analytics event tracking for key actions such as:

    • Form Submissions
    • Contact Us links

    These will help separate users who arrived on your page and left immediately versus those that arrived and did the thing you care about. Check out our , designed to help make it easier to track these types of interactions.

    Specifically for the important ones, like filling out a form, you would want to track these into Google Analytics with Events, then set these up as Goals inside of Google Analytics. Remember that you have 20 separate Goals per View, so it may be helpful to split your landing page traffic into its own View if you want to define custom Goals.

    Read Also: Cost Of A Domain Name Per Year

    You Do Not Already Have A Website That The Page Would Work With

    If you are just getting into an industry and do not already have a website that would make sense to host the landing page on, it may make sense to register a new domain name and set it all up there.

    With a domain costing only around $10-15, that makes it easy to decide as well because it is a very cheap investment.

    Do I Need A Website For A Landing Page

    What is a Landing Page? Do I Need One?
    • Dwayne Graves

    Do you know when you should use a landing page instead of a web page? How do you know? When it comes to a landing page vs website, your website is your entire online first impression, while your landing page is only one part of that impression. Most landing pages should have a single purpose: to offer visitors enough information to allow them to decide whether or not to engage with your company further.

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    The Value Of A Landing Page:

    If you want people to enter, sign-up, or register, is it better to give them a page with 5 other options to do and see or to have them focus 100% on one thing SIGNING UP!

    Obviously, if your goal is to keep them focused on signing up, the value is 100% on that sign-up and anything else is a distraction at that moment in time.

    When Should I Host My Landing Pages As Directories At My Domain

    You can use domains and directories when:

    • You want your domain name to appear in the landing page URL.
    • Youd like to publish multiple landing pages.
    • You dont have a pre-existing website at your domain.

    You add domains and directories when you set up your landing page URL. See How do I assign my own domain or subdomain to a landing page? for step-by-step instructions. You add directories as a final step of the setup. You can have as many directories as you need.

    For example:

    You own a domain example.com. Youre running a sale on three of your products, and you want a dedicated landing page for each of the products. You need to:

  • Assign your domain to your landing page.
  • Create a directory for each of the landing pages featuring your products.
  • In this case, the landing page URL for each product contains the domain name and the directory:

    • example.com/product1

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    Landing Page Faq: Where Should I Put My Landing Page

    Landing pages are incredibly versatile elements of any marketing strategy, and they can go anywhere.

    This short article will break down the 4 primary places you can place your landing page, and why you might do that.

    For a complete look into “Where should I Put my Landing Page?” check out our article 7 Landing Page Mistakes that are Costing You Conversions?.

    For the “embed on your website” or “facebook page and embed on your website” options, you’ll need an embed code . We’ll provide that, and you just need to copy and paste this embed code on the page of your website where you want the Landing Page to appear.

    #1. Putting your Landing Page on a Wishpond.com URL:

    If you don’t have a domain or website quite yet, feel free to use one of Wishpond’s URLs until you do. The URL will read “wishpond.com” at the beginning, but it’s a perfectly acceptable placeholder until you get rolling with your own site.

    #2. Putting your Landing Page on your Domain:

    Adding your landing page to your domain – rather than a Wishpond subdomain, your website, or a Facebook Page – requires a bit more work than the other placements…

    How to link to your domain:

    Once you follow those steps the domain name for your campaign will be your own custom URL without “Wishpond” in the URL.

    #3. Putting your Landing Page on your Facebook Page:

    If you’re looking to turn Facebook Fans into leads or users into Fans, a Facebook landing page is a great way to do so.

    #4. Putting your Landing Page on your Website:

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