Monday, September 2, 2024

How To Backorder A Domain

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The Best Backorder Domain Services

Domcop – How to Backorder Domains w Namejet and SnapNames

Theres a high probability that many other people want the same domain name as you. Therefore, its helpful to use multiple backorder service companies to stay on top of the competition.

Going with several different services can increase the probability of securing a domain name. The reason for this is because each one uses its own systems or software. On top of the list below, we backorder many domains via NameCheap.

How Do Domain Backorder Services Work

Put simply, domain backordering is when you monitor a domain name until it expires or becomes available for someone else like you to take.

Domains typically become available when people forget to renew a registered domain name or if they intentionally let it expire because they no longer need it.

If a domain owner does not renew the domain, it enters a 30-day grace period. At the end of the grace period, it goes through an expired domain auction. If the domain name remains unsold, it returns to the registry, and anyone can claim it.

A domain backorder service helps you find domains when theyre at the end of the renewal grace period. These services use domain backorder software to keep track of expired domain names.

In general, you provide your desired domain name to these services, and they alert you when its available.

How To Backorder Expired Domainslearn More About How And Where To Backorder Expired Domains

When people say “backorder expired domains“, what they are talking about are domains thatreached pending delete state.Pending Delete Domains will definitely be deleted and can be registered by anyone.

If you find an expired domain name you want, you can place a backorderfor the domain with a drop catching / backorder service.These services are specialized in automatically registering expired domains as soon as they become available again.At this point anyone can register the domain name after the first come first served principle.Because of that, the fastest service wins the domain. We are talking seconds if not milliseconds here.

That being said, you can of course try to hand register the domain name. If no one fancies ityou can get it the regular way by just registering it with your preferred registrar.That is of course always a gamble, because you never know if someone else wants the same domainand is using a backorder service to get it! In that case the other guy is probably going to get it.

So if you really want the domain, you should considerplacing backorders with one or multiple backorder services.You can place a backorder on multiple platforms, because for most of themyou only pay if they are successful!That means if you get the domain, you only pay once. If you not win the domain, you pay nothing!You should not use services that charge you even if they fail to register the domain name for you.

  • Backorder

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How Do I Backorder A Domain Name At Domainnow

If you dont know how to backorder a domain name, youre not alone. The process can vary slightly from registrar to registrar, but the general process is the same across the Web. When you backorder a domain name, we apply your payment to the domain name when it expires. If youre the only one who backordered the domain name, its yours at no additional cost. If it goes to auction, we use your backorder payment to place the opening bid. You can continue to bid on the domain name, or simply move your backorder credit to another domain name.

Which Is The Best Backorder Provider

Backorder Domain

Whether your domain of choice is available for registration primarily depends on your choice of provider, as domain backorder services are usually limited to one or only a handful of selected domain extensions. Premium domain names, which are short and particularly memorable names, are very rare. It therefore makes sense to get in touch with the provider and speak to an expert.

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Multiple Backorder From Different Services

The first tip is to place a backorder with a few services. The fact is that these services refund your money if the back order is unsuccessful so, by placing a backorder with multiple services, you can increase your chances of success.

The services are essentially competing against each other to backorder your domain. You are increasing your odds by having more people competing for your own interests.

The downside of this strategy is whether the service requires money upfront.

You may not be comfortable paying several services for back-ordering, regardless of whether you get the money back down the road.

What Is Domain Backordering

Domain backordering is a service offered by most domain name registrars, which allows you to register a domain name that will soon be expired. Backordering is useful because you might not be the only person interested in a domain name. I should note that backordering a domain name is not a guarantee that youll get your desired domain upon expiration it is only an attempt of the registrar to get it for you.

However, not all domain names can be backordered. A domain name could be renewed before the expiration date or they can be in HOLD status waiting for a settlement of some sort.

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What Happens After I Backorder A Domain Name

After backordering a domain name, the recommended first step is to set up domain monitoring to help ensure that you start staying up-to-date on any changes to the domain right away, as well as become informed of its current status. Learning of the domains current status will help to determine the best next steps to take in effort to acquiring the domain name you want.

After backordering the domain name of your choice, you will then learn more about where it is currently registered, as well as if it is able to be obtained by the backorder service.

To learn even more about the process and what to expect, check out: What happens after I backorder a domain name?

How Do Domain Backorders Work In Detail

How to Backorder a Domain Name on GoDaddy

When you decide not to renew a domain name and let it drop, that name doesnt automatically become free and available the day it drops, there are several phases it must go through first. These Phases are known as the domain life cycle and can take up to 80 days, depending on the TLD, to complete. Read more about the pending delete process here.

In Short: When you decide not to renew a domain, you enter a 30 day grace period, in case you change your mind. After this grace period, the domain enters a Pending Delete Phase which typically lasts around 4 days, it is in this phase the domain will then become available for registration and backorders can be placed.

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Why Should We Backorder Domain Names

New customers for DomCop are always advised to start with back-ordering domains. This is the easiest way to get your first few valuable expired domain names.

Backordering services take a small fee from the user and for this fee try to register a domain as soon as the registry makes the domain available. The process of trying to register a domain as soon as possible is called catching and the term to register expired domains is therefore called drop catching.

A back-ordering service does not guarantee that they will be able to acquire the domain for you. Since multiple services can try and register the domain, it is possible that the service you use is not able to catch the domain for you. However, if the service is unable to acquire the domain for you, then the fee is fully refunded.

Prerelease Closeouts Expired Auctions

There is another common way of buying expired domains. This process has different names: PreRelease, Closeouts,Expired Auctions or whatever the company offering these services wants to name it.Here the domain will be auctioned off, before it reaches pending delete state!In this case the old domain registrar of the domain still has access to the domain name and can renew it if he wants.

Most of the time the old “owner”/”registrant” of the domain name has no idea about this auction or doesn’t care,however if he knows and cares, he can still renew the domain himself and that has priority over the auction!There is usually an overlap of days the old owner can renew the domain and the auction process,so you might win a domain in this auction, just to find out that the old owner renewed it and you will not get it.In this case you usually do not have to pay for it or get your money back.

Domains that are successfully auctioned off are just renewed and moved to the auction winners account.If no one bids on the domain name, the regular expired domain process is triggered and the domain goes intopending delete state with the process mentioned above happens.

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What Is Domain Monitoring

Domain monitoring tracks changes to certain domain settings so you receive an email when these settings are changed. By default, the administrative contact receives all monitoring notifications, but you can also set up two additional contacts.

Monitoring is set up for one year at a time. To continue monitoring domain, you must renew the monitoring. Monitoring is supported on domains with the following extensions: .com, .us, .biz, .net, .org, .info, .me, .mobi, or .co.

You’ll be notified when any changes are made to the following domain settings:

  • Registrar: Changes to the registrar could indicate a domain transfer
  • Status: Certain actions will change the status of a domain, such as unlocking or expiration
  • Expiration Date: The expiration date might change if the current registrar renews or cancels the domain
  • Nameservers: Changing the nameservers of a domain affects DNS management

Lessons From The Drop

How To Backorder A Domain

Hopefully this article helps you in your own quest for a domain that may be expiring. My best advice is that if your interest in a domain name is only lukewarm, go ahead and use a basic service like GoDaddy, but if you really dont want to let one get away, you must enlist the services of the big three: Snapnames, Enom, and Pool. Its anybodys guess what the final price will be, but by getting all the best agents out there working for you, you ensure at least being in the game.


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S To Backorder A Domain Name

  • Purchase a domain backorder credit: After conducting a domain name search and discovering that the domain name you want is currently unavailable for registration, the first thing you will need to do in order to place a domain backorder is purchase a domain backorder credit.
  • Apply your domain backorder credit: After purchasing your domain backorder credit, the next thing you will need to do is apply the credit to the domain name of your choice. You can complete this step from within your account dashboard. Simply select your domain backorder from your purchased products and complete the prompts that follow to apply the credit to the domain name you are trying to acquire.
  • Set up domain monitoring: Once your domain backorder credit has been successfully applied to your domain name, it is recommended to add domain monitoring to your backordered domain to receive status update notifications. This lets you know if there are any significant changes to the status of the domain, which may give you a better idea of when the domain may become available. To complete this step, select Backorders and Monitoring from your account dashboard and select Add Monitoring. Then, complete the few promoted steps that follow.
  • How To Place A Domain Backorder

    Some of the providing companies will require you to participate in an auction in order to grab your backorder domain name. Such companies have made this process to be either private or public.

    All these make them sure that all their customers get an equal opportunity of obtaining the domain names. So, take note of what it takes to win your expired domain before placing your backorder.

    You will definitely need to remain focused and attentive. Most companies offering the service have set an unpredictable period of time for availing the expired domain name to their customers. Also, the process of participating in an auction may be private.

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    How Do I Check On The Status Of A Domain Name I Backordered

    In your Buyer Dashboard, navigate to Pending Orders, where you will see backordered domain names that have not yet been acquired. If you change your mind at any time and would like to remove a backorder, you can delete your order here.

    If you have any questions about how to backorder a domain name with SnapNames, please contact our .

    Best Domain Backorder Services

    How to Backorder Domain at Godaddy

    There are several domain backorder companies online, but which are the best companies for you? Three big companies are now involved in back ordering domains. It is highly recommended to place the backorder for your desired domain name on all three of these site names. The only risk is that you can compete against each other.

    Here are a few companies that are offering affordable domain back-ordering services:

    These three services operate through a network of registrars, which hit Verisign servers at very often intervals and capture the most requested domains. However, they know how to catch such domains without being stopped from reaching the site too much.

    And what is so good about a domain backorder business such as DropCatch? Domain registrars are the key to this. Lets dig at the dot-com expansion. The extension itself belongs to a register, VeriSign.

    If a registrar wishes to sell .COM registrations on their website, they must go to VeriSign and complete all required registrations. Basically domain registrars are given limited options on connecting to VeriSign to only register domain names for new buyers.

    While these regular domain registrars have got limited access to the VeriSign database, other drop catching service providers are having more power in terms of back-ordering domain names from VeriSign databases because theyve been designed for this.

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    Domains Expiring At A Different Registrar

  • Backorder a domain and set it up.
  • Monitor the domain to be notified of changes to the registrar, status, expiration date or nameservers.
  • GoDaddy attempts to capture the domain after the registry releases it on the available date. We’ll continue attempting until we, or another registrar, captures the domain. If we capture the domain:
  • And you’re the only customer with a backorder on the domain name, we award the domain name to you without an auction.
  • And there are multiple backorder holders, we invite everyone to a private auction where only backorder holders can participate.
  • If you placed the first backorder, we submit an opening bid of $10 for you, and we email you about the auction. If someone outbids you, you can place a higher bid, apply the backorder credit to another domain name or keep the backorder on the same domain to try again the next time it expires.
  • And you didnt place the first backorder, you can begin placing bids in the auction.
  • If we don’t successfully capture the domain, we’ll let you know the backorder was unsuccessful. You can apply the backorder credit to another domain name or keep the backorder on the same domain to try again the next time it expires.

  • If the domain went through auction, the auction ends.
  • If you won the auction, we’ll move the domain into your account within 45 days with a one year registration.
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