Tuesday, September 3, 2024

How To Make A Domain Name Redirect To Another

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Option 1 Redirecting To The Secure Version Of A Different Site

Domain Name Forwarding – How To Redirect One Domain to Another Domain – Simple Steps One Caveat

You can only redirect to another site that’s already configured with an SSL certificate. For example:

http://example.com to https://dreamhostexample.com

You must first add an SSL certificate to the domain you are redirecting TO . If an SSL certificate is not configured, you will see a Site Not Found error when viewing the redirect.

The Basics Of Domain Redirects

Domain redirects have a variety of purposes. If youve moved your website to a new domain, or have changed the URL structure of some of your pages, then its time to utilize a domain redirect.

Knowing how to redirect a domain to another can be a very valuable skill in your webmaster toolbox.

Below youll learn what a domain redirect actually is, the types of redirects you have available, why youd want to use one, and finally how to implement a domain redirect.

Dns Settings And Domain Forwarding

Domain forwarding is automatically set up using DNS entries. Before you check with your browser whether domain forwarding has been successful, clear your Internet browser’s cache to remove outdated redirect information.

To view DNS settings for a particular domain redirect:

  • If you have not yet done so, please log in to your IONOS Customer Account.
  • Click on the Domain & SSL tile and select the desired domain.
  • Switch to the DNS tab.
  • In the search field, enter “redirect” and complete the entry by clicking on Search. All DNS entries for the redirect will be displayed.

TXT records for redirects are only required for creation purposes and you can delete them afterwards.

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How To Set Up A Redirect

  • You are logged into your Customer Portal. You can also log in after clicking the link.
  • The hosting package you are attempting to access is either Shared or Cloud.
  • Log in to cPanel.
  • Under the Domains section, click the Redirects icon.
  • From the Type dropdown menu, select your preferred type of redirect.
  • Permanent 301 is a redirect that will update the visitor’s bookmarks and direct search engines to the new site.
  • Temporary 302 is a redirect that will redirect the visitor or search engine but will not update the bookmark, and search engines will continue to index to the original page.
  • From the https?://? Dropdown menu, choose the domain name you would like to redirect.
  • If you want to redirect a single page or directory, you can use the text field that begins with the forward-slash to enter the folder or file name.
  • In the Redirects To field, enter the full URL of the page you will be redirecting.Note: You must enter the protocol for the domain URL to be accepted.
  • Select one of the following www. redirection options to dictate whether or not the domain will be redirecting:
  • Only redirect with www. will only redirect visitors that type www. as part of the URL.
  • Redirect with or without www. will redirect all visitors regardless of whether they use www. or not.
  • Do Not Redirect www. will not redirect visitors that use www. as part of the URL.
  • Clicking the Wild Card Redirect option allows users to set up a redirect to the same file on a new destination.
  • Note

    Unmetered Web Hosting

    How To Redirect One Domain To Another On Namecheap

    How To Redirect Domain Name

    Follow the steps below to learn how to forward domains using Namecheaps domain forwarding service.1. Log into your Namecheap account.2. Click your username on the upper-left part of the screen.3. From the profile drop-down list, click Dashboard.4. From the Dashboard, click on Domain List.5. Choose the website that you want to apply the domain redirect.6. Click the MANAGE button to the right side of the website that you chose.7. Click on the ADD REDIRECT button under the REDIRECT DOMAIN option.8. Enter the and the destination URL.9. Click the Check Mark to save. You are done.Take note: destination URL should include a valid protocol such as http:// or https://

    You just learned how to redirect one domain to another on Namecheap. Basic knowledge about domain redirection or domain forwarding were discussed including reasons to redirect domain names. If you have questions with any of the information above, let us know in the comments section.

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    Avoid Making Redirect Mistakes

    Avoid Redirect Chains and Loops

    Redirection chains are harmful to the SEO ranking of your page because Google can delay their crawling of your website. As a result, you can lose some link equity, and the loading time of your loading page can increase.

    The best way to bypass this is to avoid the connection to a URL that is already redirecting to another URL. And you should regularly audit your actual redirects.

    Avoid Internal Redirects

    Redirecting a website could hurt your SEO practice, with the internal links pointing to URLs that are redirected somewhere else.

    While changing the URL of your page, you can forget to update the internal links to connect to the new location. But its crucial to have those URLsso make sure you enter your site and update the destination of the internal links. This is required to avoid the redirection of website visitors and search engines when there is no need.

    Dont Use 302 Redirects Unless the Move of the Domain Is Temporary

    You can redirect a domain with code 302 only if you plan to bring the old page back. But you can also use this code to test out a new page and collect customer feedback while the rankings of the original page are untouched.

    Redirect Multiple Domains To A Single Domain

    Many brands buy up multiple domain names related to their main URL in order to protect your online brand. If your brand is Acme Corp. you may want to own acme.com, acmecorp.com, acme.net, etc.

    Instead of buying domains to keep others from registering them, then just letting them sit there, you can redirect them to your main website. Whether theyre common misspellings of your existing domain name, other top level domain name extensions, or something else entirely, theyre worth redirecting back to your main site.

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    How To 301 Redirect A Domain On A Linux Server

    REQUIREMENT: the following 301 redirect will NOT work unless your server has the Apache ModRewrite module turned on check this with your server administrator first. In our experience this functionality is often enabled so it should not be a problem for you.

    INSTRUCTIONS: Create a .htaccess file in the root directory of your old website OR edit the htaccess that is already there and add the following lines exactly as they are shown while substituting www.yournewdomain.com with your new domain address:

    Options +FollowSymLinksRewriteEngine onRewriteRule http://www.yournewdomain.com/$1 :2

    Now upload the new htaccess file and anyone who visits the domain this file is hosted within will be seamlessly redirected to your new domain.

    How To Flush Your Operating Systems Dns Cache

    How to 301 Redirect a Domain Name to Another Using .htaccess

    When you edit domain records or change IP addresses, you may find that you can no longer access a site on the server. Instead of loading the sites pages, you get a 404 Not Found error. That may be because the DNS record changes havent propagated, but it can also be caused by stale entries in your operating systems DNS cache.

    DNS records change infrequently, and it takes time to make a request to domain name servers. Its often quicker to make a DNS request and cache the results for a while. That way, the domains IP address can be read from the cache, which is much faster than getting it from a DNS server across the internet.

    However, if you make a change and the DNS record no longer matches your cache, you wont be able to load the site. On most operating systems, its straightforward to clear the cache, forcing the OS to get fresh data.

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    Redirect Url Using Htaccess

    This method consists in editing a file called .htaccess in your server and placing a specific line to make the URL redirection. Please note that the filename .htaccess really contains one . on its beginning!

    This method requires FTP access to the server so that you can upload files.

    Now, edit locally the .htaccess file.

    You can choose one of the following code options. We will explain each one:

    First alternative, redirect a specific page called /sourcepage.html to another URL:

    Redirect 301 /sourcepage.html http://www.mynewdomain.com/

    Second alternative, redirect the whole domain to another URL:

    Redirect 301 / http://www.mynewdomain.com/

    And last, redirect one file to another file, locally, in the same domain:

    Redirect 301 /old/path/oldpage.html http://www.currentdomain.com/new/path/newpage.html

    Domain Redirect Codes Explained

    Before we get to configuring redirects, its helpful to understand the two main types and their impact on browsers and search engines. When a web client requests a redirected page, the server sends a response that includes the pages new URL and an HTTP status code.

    There are dozens of status codes, but were interested in those beginning with 3 because they indicate redirection. Although there are several 3xx codes, most of the time, youll choose either 301 or 302.

    • A 301 redirect means the page has moved permanently. It prompts HTTP clients such as browsers and search engine crawlers to update their caches.
    • A 302 redirect means Found, but its most often used to tell HTTP clients the page has moved temporarily. The page isnt available at the old URL now, but it might be in the future, so theres no need to update caches.

    You might be wondering why Found is used for Moved Temporarily, especially when there is also a 307 Moved Temporarily code that says what it means.

    There is debate in the SEO world about the relative merits of these codes, but the consensus is that 302 should be used when the URL changes temporarily browsers and web crawlers understand it to mean that, even if it isnt explicit. A 307 code is, for the most part, interpreted in the same way, but there are fringe cases, so its better to stick with 302.

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    Point Your Domain Name To Cloudflare

    In the step Change your nameservers, you will see detailed instructions follow them. In short, you will need to log into your domain provider’s website, find your domain’s nameserver settings and replace them with the custom Cloudflare nameservers:

    1. Log in to your domain provider’s website. If you got this domain from Zyro, log into your Zyro account.

    2. Find your domain’s nameserver settings you’ll need to specify custom nameservers. If your domain’s at Zyro, follow these steps.

    3. Remove the current nameservers and insert the nameservers given by Cloudflare.

    4. Go back to the Cloudflare page and press Done, check nameservers. If you’re then presented with the Quick Start Guide, you may click Finish later.

    Note: It may take up to 24 hours for DNS to propagate worldwide. Once the nameservers update is complete, you will receive an email confirmation from Cloudflare.

    Get The New Nameserver Values

    How to redirect one domain name to another domain name/website?

    First things first, find a list of nameservers from your new hosting provider. The information is usually provided on the companys documentation page or in the post-purchase email.

    If you still cant find the info, you should contact your hosting provider.

    At Hostinger, you can find all DNS-related information in Hosting -> Accounts -> Details.

    The list of nameservers often look like this:


    Web hosts usually provide two or more nameservers. Take note of all these addresses because youll need to enter them into your domain registrars control panel.

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    Why Use A 301 Redirect

    To redirect a site permanently, one should use a 301 redirect. This type of redirect is best for SEO purposes and also informs the search engines that the site has moved permanently. If you change your domain name and want to point to a different URL, a 301 redirect is your best choice.

    This is also the preferred type of redirect to use when configuring an SSL certificate where you want to redirect your site visitors from a non-secure address like http://example.com to a secure address like https://example.com.The 301 Redirect setup steps are different based on how your website was built. For WordPress users, a Plugin can be used to configure the 301 Redirect . Or you may contact us for Professional Services.Once a 301 redirect is set, the update should be instantaneous.

    Note: This is only recommended for advanced users. An error could result in your website being disabled. Please also ensure that you have a hosting plan, otherwise, the .htaccess editor will not be visible on your dashboard.

    The .htaccess editor is a powerful tool with which advanced users can customize their website. When using this tool, your first step will always be to select the domain and directory where you are applying the changes.

  • Log in to your account Hosting Summary.
  • On the left pane, click on .htaccess Editor.
  • Add one of the following code snippets into your .htaccess file (based on what you want to do.
  • Old to a new domain – old domain namenew domain nameHTTPS – change domain nameSave

    How To Redirect Your Godaddy Domain To Another Link

    Sinoun Chea

    I was recently asked this by a friend so I decided to create a little blog post to show others how to do it as well. Godaddy is pretty good at making things a bit difficult for beginners. Dont let their site confuse you, their domain services are actually really awesome.

    When would I need to redirect/forward my domain?

    Domain forwarding is useful when you want people to be redirected to another site.

    For example, lets say you have multiple domains and you want to redirect or forward one of the domains to your main website.

    For this example, Ill use one of my domains: dobetteronline.com

    As you can see, I dont have a website built for that domain and I have it forwarded to this website .

    So lets dig in on how to forward your domain on Godaddy!

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    Why And When Should I Avail Of Domain Forwarding

    There can be a variety of reasons why one wants to redirect their domain name, but the most common one is to ensure that maximization of all traffic intended for an individual site or business.

    For example, you want to own a domain name that has the keywords YUMMY and PIZZA. You checked if WWW.YUMMYPIZZA.COM is available. Unfortunately, the domain name lowermost. You chose another name, and after checking out our article on how to choose the best domain name for your business, you decided that you would settle for WWW.VERYYUMMYPIZZA.COM. Your business went smoothly. You were enjoying great traffic from your website.

    After a year, the domain owner of WWW.YUMMYPIZZA.COM contacted you and offered to sell you the domain for a small price. Since the domain name is your first choice, you bought the domain. Now you own two domain names WWW.VERYYUMMYPIZZA.COM and WWW.YUMMYPIZZA.COM. The first one was enjoying good traffic, but in the long run, you know that the latter would reap you greater benefits. Should you throw all the current traffic away from the first site and wait for the second sites traffic to grow? Or should you just maintain both sites? However, you also know that you do not have the resources to maintain two websites. What should you choose?

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