Tuesday, September 10, 2024

What Is Difference Between Hosting And Domain

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The Difference Between A Domain Name And Web Hosting In A Nutshell

The Difference Between Hosting, Domains and Websites
  • A domain name is your websites address on the web. It identifies the website and lets people find it via their Chromes or Firefoxes.
  • Web hosting is the place where your website files are kept, and from where the website can be accessed by your website visitors. Most commonly, a web server is a specialized type of computer.

Basically, when a visitor puts your websites domain name into their web browser window, that domain name is then taken and decoded to figure out what specific web host it points to. Once this is done, the website gets displayed to the visitor.

This will surely come as no surprise, but the web is quite a complicated creation, and domains and hosting are just a small part of a bigger puzzle. Luckily for everyone, you really dont need to be an expert on those things to be able to launch a website for your business and show it to the world.

Just to emphasize the core difference between a domain name and web hosting once more:

  • Domain names are how we address websites on the web.
  • Web hosting is where we keep those websites.

If you want to learn more, here are some FAQs around the difference between a domain name and web hosting:

Why Is The Difference Important

Domains, websites and email addresses are all pieces of the greater online presence. Having a custom email address and website depend on having a domain. Visitors get to your website by entering your domain in their browser’s address bar, and they send emails to your custom address. You can have a domain without an email address or website, but you can’t have an email address or website without a domain.

Knowing the difference between your domain, web hosting and email is important for keeping track of your online presence. You need to be able to determine where an issue might be coming from, such as whether it’s your email or your domain having problems. If you have your domain, web hosting and email through different companies, you’ll also need to know which company to go to for fixing issues or managing your services.

The Different Types Of Domains

Considering your domain name is the face of your brand, you shouldnt leave any stone unturned to get the right one.

Plus, not all domain names follow the same formula. Nearly 46.5% of all global websites use .com, but many websites use variations like .org and .net.

That said, there are three primary domain types you should know.

Top Level Domains or TLD

Top-level domains are right at the top level of the internet domain name system. While there are literally thousands of TLDs, the most common include .com, .org, and .net.

Its easy to see why these are at the top level. TLDs are more professional-sounding, making it more likely for your visitors to trust your website.

Country Code Top Level Domains or ccTLD

Country code top-level domains depend on international country codes. For example, .us for the United States, .jp for Japan, .in for India.

These are commonly used by companies that are building dedicated sites for specific regions as it helps signal to users that theyre at the right place. Amazon is a good example of this, with country-specific domains around the world.

Generic Top-Level Domain or gTLD

Generic top-level domains dont rely on country code.

Instead, they have a specific use case. Examples include .mil for military, .gov for government, .edu for education, and so on.

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Whats The Difference Between Web Hosting And Domain

In summary, web hosting is where your website files are physically stored, while a domain name is the address of that storage location.

If youre still confused about what is hosting and domain, think of building a house. Your plot of land has an address this is your domain that tells the postman and your friends where to find you. However, without an actual house on the property this is the web hosting you have nowhere to welcome your guests or open your mail when it arrives.

The two go together, and alone theyre not much use like an address with an empty plot or a house with no address. The same goes for domains and hosting one is a pointer for web browsers while the other stores all your important data so to have a functioning website, you must get both organised.

Webcentral can help get your business site online

With both elements required to put your site online, it makes sense to simplify the registration. Getting both parts from one provider not only makes registration easier it also speeds things up as youll be able to start work on your website sooner.

Contact Webcentral today to learn more about Australias best domain and hosting packages for your business.

Do I Need Web Hosting If I Have A Domain Name

Domain vs Hosting: What

Yes. A domain name is just your websites address, while web hosting stores all your website data and files. Without web hosting, your website is nonexistent, and your domain name would point to nowhere.

With Hostinger, you can get a domain name and web hosting account altogether. There are different plans and price ranges, too, depending on your website needs.

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What Is The Difference Between Domain And Hosting

Starting any new business demands a strong online presence on the internet. Your website spreads awareness about the brand, its ethics, working, and its qualities on a larger scale than anything else. Moreover, it also attracts beneficial opportunities and exposure to the next level. But for that, you need to know the difference between domain and hosting. After all, this is something that requires ample time and thought process including how to choose a web hosting service and more. This article will help you understand what is the difference between domain and hosting and how to choose a web hosting service. Also, you will learn the difference between domain and website and the difference between web hosting and domain.


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What If You Have Already Registered Your Domain With The Hosting Company

Well you have two options.

  • Just live with it and do nothing.
  • Transfer your domain name to a third party registrar.
  • For #2 heres the detail instructions on how to transfer your domain name to Namecheap. And heres how you can do it for GoDaddy. Basically all you need to do is

  • Obtain the Auth/EPP code from your current registrar
  • Submit transfer request to the new domain registrar
  • Note that, as per ICANNs Transfer of Registrations Policy, domains that are less than 60 days old or were transferred within the last 60 days cannot be transferred. Youll have to wait at least 60 days before transferring.

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    Buying Your Domain Name And Web Hosting Separately

    With this path, you register your new domain at a domain company of your choice and your hosting at a hosting provider. Youll then point your domain to your hosting account.

    You will then need to install a content management system like WordPress. Though most offer a one-click install of WordPress.

    I personally used this path. One possible combination is using:

    • No additional configuration


    • Limited selection of domain names extensions
    • Free only for the first year with typically higher prices for domain name renewals than if purchased seperately
    • Harder to leave to another web hosting provider
    • Hard to manage many domains, especially if some are inactive
    • Loss of specialization in domain services

    With this option, you always have the option to transfer your domain over to your web hosting provider. If you want to leave with the domain name you either have to wait a specified period before you transfer the domain or pay a cancellation fee.

    What Is The Difference Between Hosting Domain And Website

    The Difference Between a Domain Name and Web Hosting

    Frequently Asked Questions General

    When you visit a website, at first glance it would seem that the number of processes that are executed is a large one. In reality there are only three different aspects of the site that are interconnected:

    – Domain name

    – Website

    What do we mean by “domain”?

    It is an address that visitors enter in the search engine or in the address bar. This address tells the search engine which hosting server to look for the site’s files in order to upload them. The domain name must be purchased and pointed to a web host in order to serve a useful purpose. Otherwise the purchase of the domain does not serve any particular purpose. For example, with the Start package, it is possible to add a maximum of 3 sites/domains, but it does not mean that at the time of purchasing the package you also receive 3 free domain names. These must be purchased separately. Once directed to a hosting, subdomains can be created for that domain, such as forum.domain.ro or blog.domain.ro. The number of subdomains that can be created is unlimited. Domains can be pointed to any hosting, being possible to manage them from the control panels.

    What do we mean by the term “hosting”?

    What is the “website”?The website is a collection of files , which are presented to the user when he visits a domain related to a hosting. Depending on the configuration of the website and its requirements , one or more hosting packages will suit it.

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    What Is Dedicated Web Hosting

    Dedicated hosting, on the other hand, is both powerful and pricey. Its reserved for sites that require an incredible amount of server resources.

    Unlike shared or VPS hosting, dedicated hosting makes your website the lone tenant on a server. To extend the housing metaphor, having a dedicated server is like owning your own home. The means that your website taps the servers full power, and pays for the privilege. If youre looking for a high-powered siteâan online mansion for your businessâdedicated hosting is the way to go. That said, many dedicated web hosting services task you with handling backend, technical issues, much as homeowners have manage maintenance that renters generally leave to their landlords.

    On the topic of dedicated hosting, many web hosting services also offer managed hosting. This type of hosting sees the web host act as your IT department, handling a servers maintenance and upkeep. This hosting option is something that youd typically find with dedicated servers, so its a business-centric addition. Naturally, it adds a few bucks to the hosting cost, but nothing that should break the bank if you have the resources for a dedicated server.

    Ive Seen Companies Offering Both A Domain Name And Hosting In One Package Should I Get This

    There are a number of companies out there that will offer you the complete WordPress package under one roof, so to speak. What you get is:

    • WordPress preinstalled on the server and everything hooked up and ready to go.

    As you can probably tell, getting your domain name and hosting from a company like that is much more convenient than getting the individual website components separately.

    In most cases, a firm offering the package will handle everything related to setting it up and allowing you to get your WordPress website online as soon as possible, with basically no tech/server-related work needed on your part.

    A few of the leaders offering packages such as this include:

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    Are There Any Free Web Hosts

    Yes, G sites offered by Google provides free and limited hosting on a fast and reliable network. This tool allows anyone to create simple web sites that support collaboration between different editors. To use this tool, you do not need any programming skills. This page provides a list of free web hosting providers.

    How Are Domain Names And Web Hosting Related

    Domain Name vs. Web Hosting

    Domain names and web hosting are two different services. However, they work together to make websites possible.

    In short, a domain name system is like a giant address book that is constantly updated. Behind each domain name is an address of the web hosting service that stores the website files. Without a domain name it is not possible to find your website and without web hosting you cannot create a website.

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    What Does It Mean To Host A Website

    Hosting a website is an entirely different concept from registering a domain name. With hosting, you are essentially renting space where your website will reside online. Most web hosts offer a variety of plans that vary depending on the resources you need. Generally speaking, the more popular your site becomes, the more expenses youll incur due to hosting fees.

    Its worth mentioning that not every web host is made equal. Heres why its important to choose a good one:

    • It affects your sites performance. Your choice of web host and plan have a direct impact on your sites speed and uptime.
    • You get access to better features. Generally speaking, more expensive services usually translate to better features, such as automatic backups, security scans, and so on.
    • It affects how many visitors your site can handle. Shared hosting plans, for example, will often struggle if you start receiving lots of visitors in a small amount of time.

    You can sign up for an account on a web host, choose a plan, and get to work on a website before registering a domain name. In most cases, your provider will give you a link you can use to access your site in the meantime, but theyre often long and unwieldy, which makes them poor alternatives to regular domains. Its often better to have a domain ready from the get-go, so you dont run the risk of losing the name. Plus, domain registrations are pretty cheap, and the process of linking a URL with your website is straightforward.

    Business Owners Should Understand The Difference Between Domain And Web Hosting

    Domain names are registered names, like www.example.com. They cant be changed once theyve been purchased by the owner of a website . Web hosts provide services that allow you to publish your website online, such as transferring files from your computer to theirs or fastening up an email account so people can contact you directly without having to go through an ISP or other third party provider first these additional features are included in most basic plans offered by web hosts.

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    Can I Move My Website Without Moving My Domain

    Yes, once you own a domain name you can point it to any web host that you wish. This is the beauty of purchasing your domain and hosting from separate providers as this process can be done much more swiftly.

    Lets say that you just decided to switch your hosting to HostGator. Youve finished the migrating all of your sites files and now all thats left is the domain. All you have to do is point your nameservers at your existing domain registrar to your new host.

    Whats A Web Server And How Does Web Hosting Actually Work

    The difference between a domain name registrar, DNS, and hosting

    Strictly speaking, a web server is very much like a standard computer the one you have at home .

    • Firstly, its on and hooked up to the internet 24/7/365.
    • Secondly, its tailor-made to store and serve websites. You cant play Call of Duty or watch a movie on it its for websites only. Under the hood, your website is basically a bunch of files and data, so it needs a place where it can be kept safely.

    That said, there are different kinds of web hosting platforms based on your requirements and the type of website you want to host:

    • Dedicated hosting platforms where you get a whole machine to yourself.
    • Specialized WordPress hosting where you get to put your site on a machine thats been optimized to run WordPress websites only. This is actually the kind of hosting that we generally recommend.

    Want to learn more? We have an awesome post that goes a little deeper into web hosting and the different types check it out here.

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    Can I Move My Website To Hostinger

    Yes. All you need to do is transfer and move your website files directly to Hostingers server through an FTP client or the File Manager of your hosting control panel.

    If your website uses a MySQL database, there are several steps you need to take:

  • Export your database and create a backup.
  • Import your database backup to our server.
  • Lastly, update the configuration files as well as the MySQL database details.
  • Another option is to use an FTP client like FileZilla. If you need more information on how to connect and configure FileZilla, check our guide.

    However, if you have no technical background and are not sure how to do the steps above, Hostingers support team will take care of that for you.

    and cloud hosting users can reach out to our customer success team, and theyll guide you through the process.

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    Who Runs The Domain Name System

    The Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers manages the central domain names system. Key registration information is kept centrally on the ICANN database so that you can look up the owner of existing domains. When you buy a domain, your details will be listed against that domain on the main directory although some registrars provide an anonymisation service.

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    Whats The Main Difference Between Domain And Hosting

    If you have a website or web application, you have probably heard the terms domain and hosting. And if you are looking to start a website or application for your business, you may be wondering what the difference between domain and hosting is.

    Often these terms are paired together, and while they do work in tandem, they are not one and the same.

    In short, a domain name is your websites address, and web hosting allows your content to be accessed via the internet.

    Still confused? Well, dont worry. This guide will explain the key differences between domain and hosting.

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